Baby In Vain embarked on their musical journey by delving into distorted, doom-infused rock and roll. With their debut album, “More Nothing” (Partisan), the band extensively toured Europe and North America, including supporting acts like The Kills and A Place To Bury Strangers. Transitioning to their second album, “See Through” (Escho), the band embraced a warmer, simpler sound derived from dreamy pop, capturing the hypnotic joy of being a band where the myriad possibilities of two guitars and a drum kit materialize into a more eclectic, direct sound.

Since their last album, Lola Hammerich, Andrea Thuesen Johansen, and Benedicte Pierleoni-Nielsen have individually explored diverse musical constellations, collaborating with artists such as Mø, Snuggle, Ydegirl, Friends With Bene, Mavourneen, Fine, Selina Gin, and others. While being away is enriching, home is where the heart is, and their collaborative work and solo projects have provided fresh inspiration for their natural habitat, Baby In Vain.

On February 23, their third album, “Afterlife,” will be released, featuring singles like “Got It In You,” evoking shades of both Black Sabbath and Beck with its dark and enveloping string arrangements, and the shoegaze-infused ’90s romanticism of “I Hate Everything.”


Baby In Vain – I Hate Everything