Joe & The Shitboys, the self-proclaimed “bisexual vegans,” are a band known for their brief, catchy, and unapologetic brand of shitpunk. Formed in the conservative Faroe Islands, the band uses their music to call out homophobia, misogyny, and other “shitty behaviors” prevalent in their home country and beyond. Frontman Joe leads the charge with flamboyant energy, roasting the audience between their high-octane songs like “Drugs R’4 Kidz,” “Life Is Great You Suck,” and “If You Believe in Eating Meat, Start With Your Dog.” Their relentless spirit and fearless performances have earned them accolades, including Best Group at the Faroese Music Awards and a spot on NME’s coveted 100 tip list. With their debut album, The Reson For Hardcore Vibes, and upcoming tours across the UK and Europe, Joe & The Shitboys are ready to bring their chaotic, no-bullshit approach to the masses. For fans of Black Flag and 80’s hardcore, “you are destined to wet yourself”.