New Age Doom, led by Eric J. Breitenbach and Greg Valou, collaborates with a diverse array of global talents to craft an experimental and genre-defying sound. Their music melds drone metal, progressive rock, jazz, dub, and global influences into a unique auditory experience. Their latest album, There Is No End, features Tuva Hellum Marschhäuser and marks a shift towards a more melodic sound while preserving their signature chaos. Notable collaborations include a poignant project with Lee “Scratch” Perry, blending dub with jazz and metal. Known for their inventive approach, they also offer unique edible merch like Habanero Supernova vegan cream cheese and Righteous Gin. On stage, New Age Doom delivers an expansive sound with Breitenbach live-triggering samples and synths, and Valou using custom instruments and pedalboards to simulate a full band experience. Diana Burkot, a prominent member of the feminist punk collective Pussy Riot will be joining the performance.